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Working temperature: 65C
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Faudi Coalescer Filter A. 1-842
LEFILTER clalescer filter is processed by a variety of composite materials through a special process. It has hydrophilic characteristics. It can not only filter out the mechanical impurities in the medium, but also remove the emulsified water from the medium through demulsification and coalescence. The filter element is separated and coalesced into larger water droplets to facilitate further purification of the medium.
Coalescers are the first stage of filter water separators which are used in the fuel distribution supply network. The flow direction is from in to out whereby the fuel moves through the pleated paper and any water is attracted to the polar fibres. When enough water has gathered on any one
strand the flow of fuel dislodges the water which falls to the FWS sump. Water can be extremely dangerous when found in aviation fuel, coalescers
are therefore a crucial part of fuel filtration.
1. Aviation fuel, gasoline, kerosene, diesel;
2. Liquefied petroleum gas, stone tar, benzene, toluene, xylene, cumene, polypropylene, etc.;
3. Turbine oil and other low viscosity hydraulic oils and lubricating oils;
4, cyclohexane, isopropanol, cycloethanol, cyclohexanone, etc.;
5. Other hydrocarbon hydrocarbon compounds
More other model list:
A.1-559 | DC.1-842-xx | K.1-842 | MIL.1-842 | P.1-842 | Y.1-842/5 |
A.1-842 | DC.4-279-xx | K.3-467 | MIL.3-467 | P.3-279 | Y.4-467/5 |
A.3-842 | DC.4-362-xx | K.3-559 | MIL.3-559 | P.3-362 | Y.4-559/5 |
A.4-727 | DC.4-559-xx | K.3-842 | MIL.3-842 | P.3-467 | Y.4-842/5 |
A.4-842 | DC.4-727-xx | K.3-965 | MIL.3-965 | P.3-559 | Y.6-362/5 |
A.6-467 | DC.4-842-xx | K.4-279 | MIL.4-279 | P.3-727 | Y.6-559/5 |
A.1-842 | DC.4-1093-xx | K.4-362 | MIL.4-362 | P.3-842 | Y.6-842/5 |
DC.4-1422-xx | K.4-559 | MIL.4-559 | P.3-965 | Y.7-362/5 | |
D.1-362 | DC.7-362-xx | K.4-727 | MIL.4-727 | P.3-1093 | Y.7-842/5 |
D.1-842 | DC.7-559-xx | K.4-842 | MIL.4-842 | P.3-1422 | Y.7-1422/5 |
D.6-467 | DC.7-727-xx | K.4-965 | MIL.4-965 | P.4-279 | P.4-1093 |
K.7-842 | DC.7-842-xx | K.4-1093 | MIL.4-1093 | P.4-362 | P.4-1422 |
K.7-965 | DC.7-1093-xx | K.4-1422 | MIL.4-1422 | P.4-467 | P.7- 362 |
K.7-1093 | DC.7-1422-xx | K.7-362 | MIL.7-362 | P.4-559 | P.7- 467 |
K.7-1422 | MIL.7-1093 | K.7-559 | MIL.7-559 | P.4-727 | P.7- 559 |
MIL.7-1422 | K.7-727 | MIL.7-727 | P.4-842 | P.7- 727 | |
MIL.7-842 | P.4-965 | P.7- 842 | |||
MIL.7-965 | P.7-1093 | P.7- 965 | |||
P.7-1422 |
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